But this new Principal has been a catalyst for unrest all through the year.
Kids would come home from school and say that kids were teasing them as "Tsunamis" etc. I would tell them that the world was cruel and sometimes we couldnt explain it at all. Then at other times I would encourage them to get the Principal's involvement in their problems.
But whenever our kids would approach the teachers or the Principal they would totally reject their pleas and just support the village kids. Now this went on for months. I restricted our kids from retaliating in any violent way. On the day of this incident, the principl allowed kids to bring in weapons and keep them on school premises(the village boys showed the weapons to our girls and toyed with them the whole day).
Around 4:00pm Tamil Arasan came and informed me that there is a big fight brewing. I guided him to go and tell our kids to take an alternative route back home. But he did not get that info asis to the kids and reported back to them as though I had given them a choice. The boys followed the girls in the routine orderly fashion. As they got near Miracle Garden, some men followd our girls and teased them in a vulgar way. Our boys objected to this vulgarity, which is when the fight began. to be cont...